Custom Research Directory - 2019 CNY Construction Projects (Excel)


Currently each year, The Central New York Business Journal produces custom research directories for the construction, manufacturing and engineering/architecture industries.  Advertising opportunities available.  Contact our business office at 315-579-3919.


1. Select add to cart

2. Proceed to checkout to purchase your directories

3. A link to the digital version of the directory will be sent via email at checkout


How often is a directory produced?

Directories are produced once a year.

What format will the directory be?

Directories can be purchased as pdfs or excel spreadsheets

What if I decide I don’t want the directory purchased?

All sales are final once the product is received.

Can I purchase multiple copies?

No but you can forward your link to others. For details see our Terms of Service.

What if I have a directory idea that isn’t offered?

Contact our editorial team at to pitch your idea.

How do I get my company included in a directory?

Contact our research dept. at 315-579-3911.

When should I expect to receive my directory?

Shortly after you make the purchase, via email.


Shipping Rate:
NONE- all Custom Research Directories will arrive via email after purchased.